maaf...tidakku tahu ajl dh pun lepas. siyes xtaw pape. hahahaha..anyway,congrats to my ex-senior dulu..kak ana coz menjuarai ajl 25. clap!clap!
anyway, sume sebok2 psl ajl...korg taw x bhwasanya arnold Schwarzenegger (alaa..yg belakon terminator tu) yg juga merangkap gabenor california dah x lg mnjawat jwtn sbg gabenor. after 7yrs of handling california, jerry brown (yg lg tue dr arnold) take over california...again...(jerry brown pernah jd governor calif ) . since aku amek claz intro to american,serba sikit aware la ngan political issue kt US ni... (komen:xde la gempak mane pon. dorg pn tunggang langgang tp sebok nk cmpur tgn hal negara len)
currently,california facing such a critical economical problems. eventhough arnold schwarzenegger maybe hebat dlm acaraa angkat berat ataupun yg seangkatan dgnnya...but somehow california is too heavy for him to handle.hahahahaha...
papepon....kite tunggu miracle dpd org veteran mcm jerry brown ni. kot2 la economy jd ok ke. ley r bg subsidy lbey kt cal poly. xde r tuition fees mencanak mahal. kurgkn univ village pnye fees pn ok la... $660 per month?agak2 la wei....nk soh ak mkn rumput ke....huhuhuhu...
congrats to jerry brown! the new 'old' california governor! :D
nota kaki: just so u know...speaker of the house of representative pn dh dpt kt republican skang ni. obama kalah terok k. but still...obama still the pres. just ank2 buah dy rmai republican r.bkn democrate. anyway..mnde tu xde mslh pon..cni bkn mlysia. even dorg x sme party pon..they will nt boycotting each other.
p/s: ohhhh....rindu mau pulang. :(